
Cristiana Cott Negoescu

Born 24.07.1991, in Bucharest, Romania

Living and working in Düsseldorf, Germany


I am a multimedia artist, or better said, a conceptographer. My main point of focus is performance art, followed by video and photography.

I concentrate my attention on social-political-spiritual matters, giving them a context in live or recorded actions. Through these artistic actions, I give examples of situations that I have experienced directly, or through other people.


Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany

2018 – 2022

  • Meisterschülerin in the class of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

2017 – 2018

  • Class of Johannes Paul Raether

The University of Lincoln, UK


  • Bachelor in Media Production for Photography, Film and Video




  • Förderpreis des Landes NRW, Visual-Art Prize, Ministry of Culture and Science, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

  • Research Scholarship, Fonds Darstellenden Künste, NEUSTARTKULTUR, NRW, Germany


  • Take Heart Scholarship, Fonds Darstellende Künste, within Neustart Kultur project BKM


  • Sparkasse Reisestipendium
  • Deutschland Stipendium

Residences and laboratories:


  • Borderland Residencies, Kulturraum Niederrhein, hosted by Museum Goch, Germany
  • PALACE Utopia Artist Residency – Worringer Platz, Düsseldorf


  • Art and Computation Laboratory, Berlin, Germany
  • Das Art and Computation Laboratory ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Informatik, dem Goethe-Institut und dem Weizenbaum-Institut.
  • Goethe Institute Artificial Intelligence Residency, Generation A=Algorithm, Genoa, Italy.
  • Raketten Station Insel Hombroich Residency, Neuss, Germany


  • Art hotel Ufer residency,  Parallel entry-points, Düsseldorf 


  • Expanded Bodies 2.0, Digital Laboratory as part of “Temps d’image” festival, Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf


  • Kolleg für Kunst, Interdisciplinary Residency , Montepulciano, Italy

Exhibitions and events:






  • Space Restraint, video and performance, Quartier Am Hafen, invited by Wilko Austermann (curator), Cologne
  • Homa Aparato, performative Installation and social experiment, in collaboration with Instituto Italiano di Technologia, made possible by Goethe-Institut Italy, at Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy.
  • Batch 11, performative installation, for D-C Open Festival, Live Lab Studios, Düsseldorf
  • Surplus, performance, Journey Through a Body, Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf


  • Home-made, performance and multimedia exhibition, GOLD+Beton Gallery, Cologne
  • 129 Ways to get a Man, performance and photography/ installation, Snerk Gallery, Tromsø, Norway
  • Fortuna Brevis, performative installation, Rundgang, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
  • Remix Early Introspective, multimedia exhibition with artist talk, Onomato Künstlerverein, Düsseldorf




  • Ignorance Is Bliss and Violence, performance, Don’t You Fear The Void, Jacobihaus, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
  • Critical Infrastructures, photography, 250 Jahre Jubiläum Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Akademie Galerie, Düsseldorf
  • Exit through Limbo, performative installation, for Empty Spaces III, Ulmer Höhe, curated by Mara Sporn, Düsseldorf
  • Catalogue Magazine Launch, banner photography, Art in Public Space, organised by the SERPENTINE gallery, Cork Street, London, UK
  • Spring Performer, installation, Kunstverein Marburg, Marburg
  • Human Principle, performative installation, Art Must Be Beautiful, WELTKUNSTZIMMER, Düsseldorf


  • Causal Nexus, installation and photography for PARADISIAC, at Austellungsraum 16, curated by Markus Kersting, Cologne
  • What is the industry doing with us?, performative workshop, HBK, Braunschweig, Germany
  • habitat, drone installation, Mapping Festival, Geneva, Switzerland


  • Half body half human, performance, Elbow Room Happening, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf
  • Top floor idol, performative immersive installation, “Empty Spaces I – Unpin the butterfly” curated by Mara Sporn, Graf-Recke Str. 82, Düsseldorf


  • Dictum, video installation, Rundgang, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
  • 195 cubic centimeters, performative installation, “Empty Spaces I – What are we living for?” curated by Mara Sporn, Kaiserswerth/ Düsseldorf
  • Arms and Legs, 20 Artomat-Series, objects, Mönchengladbach, Germany
  • Wo ist das Problem? Alles ist gut!, film, Aether Festival, Den Haag, The Netherlands
  • The movement of Transformation III – video installation, Goethe Bunker, Essen, Germany


  • Migration Souvenir, performative installation, Stadtmuseum, Düsseldorf
  • The True Truth, performative installation, Die Digitale, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf
  • Digital Dirt, multimedia performative installation and experimental video art, Spuck es Aus! An Upskirting Representation, Plan.d Gallery, Düsseldorf



  • Performance and video installations, In Goldenen, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Growth, video performance, The Love School Festival, New Orleans, USA
  • BLOCKED, durative performance, concept by Terry Buchholz, Produzentengalerie, Kunstpunkte Festival, Düsseldorf
  • Surrogate, performance and video installation, Kö Gallery, Düsseldorf
  • A cup of tea, performance, Gate-art-zone, curated by Angelika Fojtuch, as an intercultural dialogue in between Germany and Poland, Düsseldorf
  • What’s the problem? Everything is fine, performance into open spaces, Düsseldorf


  • Underrated Understanding, performance, The Univeristy of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Nonsense Observations #3 – All that we perceive, Flipside Art Space, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Age doesn’t matter, Bargehouse, London
  • Photography exhibition, done as a documentary series about old people and their means of having fun
  • Labyrinth Installation, Bucharest Fashion Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania
  • Connecting the dots, Free Press House, Bucharest, Romania
  • The Embassy’s Festival, National Romanian Library, Bucharest, Romania
  • Staged Naturally, Polaroid photography experiments exhibition, Impossible Project Gallery, Barcelona, Spain


Selection of publications :

  • A cup of Tea | Editorial | Wotisart? Magazine | UK • Maximilianus | Editorial | Germany
  • Being old in Romania can be a lot of fun | Editorial | Vice magazine | Europe | USA | Asia
  • Work Publication | AA Magazine | UK
  • Top of the Romanian Women Photographers | F64 | Romania • Child of Yggdrasil| Paper chase magazine | UK
  • On the side of the road | Jute magazine | USA
  • Polaroid apparition | Polaroid of the Day | Spain
  • Poem selections | Berlin Artparasites | Germany
  • Interview and performance apparition | Visible Spectrums | UK